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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      
Gessner Mark O. Importance of stream microfungi in controlling breakdown rates of leaf litter // Ecology, 1994. Vol. 75, N 6.-С.1807-1817

Scarsbrook Mike R. The roles of grass leaf litter in streams draining tussock grassland in New Zealand: retention, food supply and substrate stabilization // Freshwafer Biol., 1994. Vol. 32, N 2.-С.429-443

Latitudinal patterns in leaf litter breakdown: is temperature really important? // Freshwater Biol., 1994. Vol. 32, N 2.-С.401-411

Young Roger G. Effects of agricultural development on processing of tussock leaf litter in high country New Zealand streams // Freshwater Biol., 1994. Vol. 32, N 2.-С.413-427

Масса опада и динамика азота в нем в сообществе Cryptocarya concinna в биосферном заповеднике Dinghushan // Zhiwu shengtai xuebao, 1994. Vol. 18, N 3.-С.228-235

Kang B.T. Effect of agroforestry woody species on earthworm activity and physicochemical properties of worm casts // Biol. Fertil. Soils, 1994. Vol. 18, N 3.-С.193-199

Maamri A. La retention des feuilles mortes dans un cours d'eau de montagne, au Maroc: Variations saisonnieres // Ann. limnol., 1994. Vol. 30, N 4.-С.323-332

Increasing litter retention in moorland streams: Ecological and management aspects of a field experiment // Freshwater Biol., 1995. Vol. 33, N 2.-С.325-337

Grubbs S.A. Colonization by Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) on three distinct leaf substrates in an Appalachian mountain stream // Ann. limnol., 1995. Vol. 31, N 2.-С.105-118

Lamberth S.J. The processing of unconfined, naturally entrained leaves in two low-order Southern African mountain streams // Sth. Afr. J. aquat. Sci., 1994. Vol. 20, N 1-2.-С.23-32

Grubbs S.A. Colonization by Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) on three distinct leaf substrates in an Appalachian mountain stream // Ann. limnol., 1995. Vol. 31, N 2.-С.105-118

Horner Harry T. Oak-leaf-litter rhizomorphs from Iowa and Texas: Calcium oxalate producers // Mycologia, 1995. Vol. 87, N 1.-С.34-40

Linklater Breakdown and detritivore colonisation of leaves in three New Zealand streams // Hydrobiologia, 1995. Vol. 306, N 3.-С.241-250

Canhoto C. Food value of introduced eucalypt leaves for a Mediterranean stream detritivore: Tipula lateralis // Freshwater Biol., 1995. Vol. 34, N 2.-С.209-214

Jackson Colin R. Microbial enzyme activities as indicators of organic matter processing rates in a Lake Erie coastal wetland // Freshwater Biol., 1995. Vol. 34, N 2.-С.329-342

Canhoto C. Food value of introduced eucalypt leaves for a Mediterranean stream detritivore: Tipula lateralis // Freshwater Biol., 1995. Vol. 34, N 2.-С.209-214

Jackson Colin R. Microbial enzyme activities as indicators of organic matter processing rates in a Lake Erie coastal wetland // Freshwater Biol., 1995. Vol. 34, N 2.-С.329-342

Bremer G.B. Lower marine fungi (Labyrinthulomycetes) and the decay of mangrove leaf litter // Hydrobiologia, 1995. Vol. 304, N 3.-С.243-245

France R.L. Empirically estimating the lateral transport of riparian leaf litter to lakes // Freshwater Biol., 1995. Vol. 34, N 3.-С.495-499

Reddy Vikram M. Microarthropod abundance and decomposition of surface and buried senescent and fresh leaf litter of Tectona grandis in a dry tropical deciduous forest ecosystem // 11 Int. Colloq. Soil. Zool., Jyvaskyla, 10-14 Aug., 1992. -Jyvaskyla, 1992.-С.17

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