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Общее количество найденных документов : 40
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 1-20    21-40  
A monoclonal antibody cytolytic to androgen independent DU145 and PC3 human prostatic carcinoma cells // Prostate, 2001. Vol. 46, N 3.-С.207-213

A monoclonal antibody cytolytic to androgen independent DU145 and PC3 human prostatic carcinoma cells // Prostate, 2001. Vol. 46, N 3.-С.207-213

A monoclonal antibody cytolytic to androgen independent DU145 and PC3 human prostatic carcinoma cells // Prostate, 2001. Vol. 46, N 3.-С.207-213

A monoclonal antibody cytolytic to androgen independent DU145 and PC3 human prostatic carcinoma cells // Prostate, 2001. Vol. 46, N 3.-С.207-213

Adult fragile X syndrome: Neuropsychology, brain anatomy, and metabolism // Amer. J. Med. Genet., 1995. Vol. 60, N 6.-С.480-493

Kumar Analysis of sleep apnea

Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions: Their value and correlation with clinical prognostic factors in breast carcinoma // J. Surg. Oncol., 1997. Vol. 65, N 3.-С.201-204

Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions: Their value and correlation with clinical prognostic factors in breast carcinoma // J. Surg. Oncol., 1997. Vol. 65, N 3.-С.201-204

Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions: Their value and correlation with clinical prognostic factors in breast carcinoma // J. Surg. Oncol., 1997. Vol. 65, N 3.-С.201-204

Automated agglutination inhibition immunoassay for digoxin on the technicon RA-1000 system // Clin. Chem., 1993. Vol. 39, N 6.-С.1239

Bacillus mesophilum sp. nov., strain IITR-54{T}, a novel 4-chlorobiphenyl dechlorinating bacterium // Arch. Microbiol., 2014. Vol. 196, N 7.-С.517-523

Biophysical correlates of cognition among depressed and nondepressed type 2 diabetic patients // Diabetes Care, 2009. Vol. 32, N 1.-С.48-50

Kumar Ex-situ conservation of Amorphophallus longiconnectivus Bogner (Araceae) - an endemic & rare species // J. Econ. and Taxon. Bot., 2006. Vol. 30, N 1.-С.161-163

Khanna K.K. Extended distribution of an endemic plant - Ficus cupulata Haines // J. Econ. and Taxon. Bot., 2009. Vol. 33, N 4.-С.832-833

First practical colorimetric assay of lithium in serum // Clin. Chem., 1992. Vol. 38, N 9.-С.1654-1657

High-intensity signals in Alzheimer's disease without cerebrovascular risk factors: A magnetic resonance imaging evaluation // Amer. J. Psychiat., 1992. Vol. 149, N 2.-С.248-250

Histopathological changes following anterior chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer // Indian J. Cancer, 1990. Vol. 27, N 2.-С.109-115

Bruins Influence of desglycinamide-(Arg{8}) vasopressin on memory in healthy subjects // Neuropsychobiology, 1990. Vol. 23, N 2.-С.82-88

Kumar Lack of effect of oxytocin and vasopressin on secretion of progesterone by the ovarian cells of non-pregnant rats in vitro // Med. Sci. Res., 1991. Vol. 19, N 19.-С.665-666

Kumar Massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to Candida esophagitis // South. Med. J., 1994. Vol. 87, N 6.-С.669-671

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